Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in.
And, when you stumble, keep faith. And, when you're knocked down, get
right back up and never listen to anyone who says you can't or
shouldn't go on.
--------------这样的手法, 与汇率调升如出一辙, 一国财长, 汇率调升前一星期还信誓旦旦,人民币绝不升值;
这就像一个笑话, 这样的游戏玩下去, 现在世界人民都知道,中国说不升的时候,那就是快了,快升了;
所以, 我们不会有像格林斯潘那样受人尊敬的人物;
他们只能作为一个整体, 强势出现;
i found this pic of coincident; and it really tells u how an IT project being carried out most of the time;
and all these pitfalls result in communication gap and knowledge gap; so an perfect IT project with highly customizations is rarely completed successfully; but the standardized IT projects without these problems have a high rations to achieve;
most IT projects like ERP/CRM/MRP etc are established by stuff described in the picture, surely the situation varied from project to project, company to company; usually the key roles are sales, consultant, PM, SA, programmer, and definitely customers;
there are also some pitfalls during the project's initiation period, especially the customer has it's own IT Dep. Usually the IT Dep. of customer is involved in the bidding and evaluation events; but usually the end user is not IT Dep.. Then problems will float up during the implementation; b'coz of the communication/knowledge gap, no one will know how the whole system behaves until it's first deployed; the end user suddenly found the system with many limitation that beyond his acceptability;
then the project may come to a termination; (sure with other influences and force);
as the communication pipeline is not short, the situation described here is just one of the probability;
I'll tell some more if I'm still evaluating my career path;
kEiTh / Zc
and chant instantly here:
關注組成員中,陳文敏、張健利、余若薇、梁家傑、李志喜、吳靄儀和湯家驊都是大律師;張達明和帝理邁是律師;陳文敏和張達明均於香港大學教授法律。戴大為於 香港中文大學教授法律及公共行政,同時亦是美國律師;陸恭蕙擁有法律學位,現為民間智囊思匯政策研究所有限公司的行政總監。
以上摘自 45条关注组网站
四十五條關注組於2003年 10月14日由 專業人士及 大学教授組成,他們現在在 香港立法會 佔有4個席位。
四十五條關注組原本是二十三條關注組,去反對香港政府在 2002年至 2003年間提出的 基本法23條方案。二十三條關注組的成員包括 余若薇、 梁家傑及湯家驊,他們都曾經擔任 香港大律師公會的會長。他們專業和坦承的形象在基本法23條爭議期間於中產人士的心中建立起來。
在香港政府收回方案後,他們將組別重新命名為四十五條關注組,還增加了不少成員。他們將焦點放在2007年及08年度 香港 普選上,基本在 基本法45條 及 基本法68條上,關於 行政長官和 香港立法會的產生辦法。
四十五條關注組表明2007年及08年度香港 普選是 人權和 法规許何的,並鼓勵市民從法律及中立性的觀點討論。
在跟民主陣容合作中,有幾位成員成功在2004年立法會選舉勝出,並比上一屆多兩個席位。四十五條關注組仍然對 中國 和香港政府一些議題不滿,例如 人大反對2007年及08年度 香港 普選。他們在 2004年曾經與民主陣容舉辦一個民間的「 公投」。
以上摘自 wikipedia
How can it be?
I created this amazing word last lecture, when I'm attending one of this Lecture-Party. This is an exact description of FT mode postgraduate students' LIVES in this university. We don't meet each other at the day time, 'cause everyone is busy with his favor things, travelling, shopping, academic field rather than their major, or just sleeping, etc..But at the lectures, in the wonderful nights, we could get together, like a big party, meet someone you can hardly meet in day time, talk about things you do these days, share your new stories, show off your ridiculous experiences, imitate Doctors' ugly tone and accent, WA, what else u could expect?
we are having most "fascinating" days in out lives....
master lives
(to be continued)
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