I bought two books today, one is History of Western Philosophy, the other is The Cambridge Companion to Pop and Rock. They cost me 263 hkd, fortunately, i can have a discount with my student card. I dont know if this Russell is the one i knew。The book says the author Russell died 1970, burn 1872. I dont know why i chose this book, i was planning to buy a The Art of Travelling, but i cant find it.

The book The Cambridge Companion to Pop and Rock is even more Interesting, but it's a chinese version, wish i could had a english version. There are many stories in the book that i never knew before, very amazing. The artical about pop and indie makes me laugh, most chinese rock n' roll
fans like to debate with topic. I may share my reading some time later. Why the books are so expensive here? damn it. And i still yearn other two books. I would begin my journey of pop art and philosophy sooooon. n_n

These days are really tough for me, god damn it, if i purchase the bag from Tough, i would not have enough money to buy books, but what i prefer? maybe the one i cant have now, n_n.

"And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you, saying, 'I repent,' you shall forgive him."

Today, i got the news about the ODF Petition Confirmation, from a chinese ubuntu forum. i think it's a good thing, so I went to their website and sign my name and computers.

Few minutes later, I received a mail from opendocumentfellowship.org, than I get a little mad and out of control. I don know which language they are using, but I think this activity should make people from all over the country to attend in. at least they should write the confirm message in several languages, absoulatly including english.

i'm not saying English is a very fasinating language, but it's a truth that it's the language in Internet. Chinses has most users, but i never expect they would make a chinese version. A english version is just fine......

here is the email:
From: webmaster#opendocumentfellowship.org Mailed-By: web3.mygisol.com
Reply-To: webmaster#opendocumentfellowship.org
To: keith
Date: Oct 28, 2005 10:35 PM
Subject: ODF Petition Confirmation
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Saludos keith,
Esta carta es para confirmar su adhesión de 4 computadoras
a la petición del OpenDocument Fellowship. Por favor haz click en el
siguiente enlace:

Si esta enlace no funciona, por favor responda a este correy y un
ser humano confirmará la entrada manualmente.

En nombre de ODF, le agradezco su contribución.

OpenDocument Fellowship.
update: the team has sent email to me telling that the problem has fixed manually, and i also replyed to apologize as being so rude.

The unwritten geek credo states that originality and strangeness are good, and that blind conformity and stupidity are unforgivable.


i didnt spin a coin, but this page is just significant, i'm reading a book about infomation ear and the society.

maybe we have spent tooooo much time on Internet, things influent us


The End of the Internet
Congratulations! This is the last page.
Thank you for visiting the End of the Internet. There are no more links.

You must now turn off your computer and go do something productive.

Go read a book, for pete's sake.

Internet Filtering in China in 2004-2005: A Country Study

中国的互联网过滤机制是世界上最复杂玄妙的过滤机制之一.与其他国家在这方面的努力相比,中国的过滤机制涉及的范围广,实现复杂,而且十分效.这一机制由 多个程度的法律规范和技术控制组成.它包括了多个国家机构和成千上万的政府及非政府人员.通过多种途径检查网际间传送的内容,其中包括网页,日志,在线论 坛,大学的电子公告板(论坛), 以及电子邮件.我们的测试发现其对大范围的敏感信息进行了访问控制的尝试,这些敏感信息涉及从色情,宗教到不同政见 的各种信息.当搜寻的网站内容包含台|湾|问题,西|藏|问题,某某功,Dalai Lama, 天安门|事件,反对|党或者各种各样反对Commun|ist的运动,中国大陆的民众常常会发现自己(网络链接)已被封了.[=====missing ======]

与其它国家不同,中国的过滤机制似乎是在多个控制点上,通过定期更换控制工具动态实现的.这些相结合的因素使我们得出了许多 关于中国大陆如何对互联网进行过滤的猜想.这些复杂的过滤机制也使得在任何时候对中国大|陆的互联网过滤进行清楚准确的描述变得极为困难.尽管中国大陆的 互联网过滤机制主要存在于大陆的骨干网中,但是个别的互联网服务提供商(ISP)仍然实现了自己的封锁功能.我们的研究表明,中国大|陆的主要搜索引擎对 网页内容进行关键字匹配过滤, 并且从列表中删除特定的搜索结果.类似的,中国主要的网志服务提供商(BSP)会禁止发布包含特定关键字的网志文章,或者通过编辑删除敏感信息.我们还发 现对一些关键字的搜索是被中国大|陆的网关过滤封锁了,而不是搜索引擎自身.很多大陆的民众是通过网吧对互联网进行访问的,法律规定网吧要对每个消费者作 互联网使用记录,并且要保存相关信息文件长达六十天.我们找到了几个表明大陆互联网过滤机制复杂性的例子,在这些例子中,尽管内容的地址与域名看似一致, 特定的URL(统一资源定位器) 被封锁了,但是其域名却是可以访问的,这表明与我们研究的其它国家相比,中国大|陆对过滤的管理处于更完善的水平.此外,在ONI (OpenNetInitiative)近几年的研究过程中,中国的互联网过滤正朝着更复杂,精确,和不折手段的方向发展.

中国大|陆具有复杂技术的过滤机制由一系列同样复杂的,控制网上出版物的访问和发布的法律法规支撑.尽管没有一个单独的法规具体的指出政府将如何实现其过 滤机制,包括媒体法规,中华人民共和国保守国家机密法,

PS: to be continued